Thursday, July 4, 2013

Well that Sucked

Well last weeks goal of adding a kettle bell to my work out was a miserable failure. You see I hate exercise I hate it more than I hate Nazi's.
Probably because I don't know any Nazi's, so I just assume they're jerks. But I just find it so excessively boring. So to entertain myself while exercising I watch TV on HULU on my desktop computer. My elliptical  is parked directly in front of the desk at the perfect distance so that I can see the monitor right over the display panel on the eliptical. But due to some needed NEVER ENDING construction in the house. The desk got moved too close to the eliptical and was blocked by the display panel. So I tried propping the laptop up to where I could see it and it caused me to turn my head to a very uncomfortable position. But after I suffered threw my work out I went to go find my kettle bell only to think back how I put it in a special place that I wouldn't forget it. But I couldn't remember where that was.
So it took me 2 days to figure out where it was and by that point the desk never got moved back. Of course all it would have taken to put it back would have been to say "Hey Honey would you help me put the desk back?" So of course I just used it as an excuse to not work out. Because as I said I love exercise ............. oh wait that wasn't me. Besides all that which I know is a crappy excuse, how the hell did I get so busy? Most people would look at my schedule and think I must have a lot of time on my hands. I have been teaching from 9 to noon and you would think by 12:30 I would be a free spirit. Yet for some reason with grocery trips, play dates, church callings and trying to keep my house from falling down somehow the day just completely got away from me.

So my battle with sleep apnea took 2 steps forward and 3 steps back this week.  On Monday I had my appointment with the Oral Surgeon that took me several months to arrange/wait for. I had my initial consultation with the Dr who spoke to me for some reason like I was extremely fragile. I must have been putting off a vibe.
Because as we all know I do kind of walk up pretty close to that fragility line. I might have had something to do with when he asked me if there was any chance of me being pregnant because he would like to do some x-rays. I told him no. He asked if I was on birth control. I said no. He asked how I knew I wasn't pregnant. I said because I am having fertility issues (is there any thing else you would like to upset me with) He still wouldn't take the x-rays.  After a quick examination he showed me the devise used for sleep apnea. My heart leaped with the idea that he was going to hand it to me and I would go home to have the best night sleep of my life. Oh contraire mon frere. 

Not only did I not get to take it home with me but I have to make another appointment to get it cast to my jaw and another appointment to after that to fit it on. After this lengthy explanation and severe disappointment he makes sure that I know that I need to loose weight. OH REALLY CAPTAIN OBVIOUS!!
Is it possible that I didn't know that. After going to Dr after Dr you think you are the first one to tell me this!

So after reminding me my daughter will remain an only child, making me wait even longer to get a good night sleep and calling me fat he makes me go and talk to his treatment coordinator. (Actually he was a very nice man I am just upset) Where she promptly tells me that my insurance will cover everything but $700 of the device. I don't know about you but I don't keep an extra Grand under my mattress. So I decide that I will be going home to tell my husband that I need to learn to deal with sleep deprivation better because at this point there is no way we will be able to afford this thing. But of course not before I was going to drown my sorrows in the first fast food drive threw I could find. But I sat in my car and reminded my self that will only make me feel worse and I should just go straight home. So I stayed on the no fast food wagon and went home. Well at least I am doing something right.

My very sweet husband em-passionately let know we will be buying it whether I like it or not. But we should call the insurance and see if we could work something out. The reason they covered so little is because they need a predetermination approval. Which doesn't make a lot of sense to me, you would think that the fact that is not a cosmetic item it wouldn't need approval. But nobody listens to me I am just the patient. But because of that my appointment that would have been next Monday the 8th got pushed back to the 29th. because we have to wait for approval.

Oh well for this weeks goal I feel like I need a bit of a reboot. I have been a little lax about eating after 7 pm and working out every day. So I am going to concentrate on those 2 things for this week. 

Once again I appreciate the support and loving comments it is one of the few things that keep me going. I really think if it weren't for this blog and all of you who support and comment I would have driven threw that fast food restaurant and would have felt horrible about myself afterward. So Thank You


  1. Way to go Heather! Glad you were strong! So sorry about all of the plumbing issues - no fun! Wish I could help ya with them.
    One way that helps me to keep fitness goals (and not cheat... as often :P ) was to have to report it to someone else. So you're accountable to not just yourself. My sister and I talked every day and 'check' off whether we've done our goal for that day yet. Or sometimes we talk on the phone and then commit to both go and do the same DVD a the same time and then get back on the phoen 25 minutes later, and we'd better both be done! We say someday we'll reward ourselves and go on a trip, somewhere! ha. Lately we've both been doing Jillian Michaels - all of it is on Youtube so you could pull it up on yoru desktop to change up your workout. It's onky 20 minutes long, so even though you may hate it - as long as you stick it out and finish, you're finished in 20 minutes! And feel good! And sore. ha. I like to use hand-weights, but you don't have to, and they have modifications for most everything. I like reading your blog posts - keep on going!

  2. Here's the link!

  3. Nutrition then exercise, I find that cardio is what helps me lose the inches quick. I also juice daily and all of har actually helps me feel better. How long are you exercising? Wait till. You start losing so much weight that thinking about exercising or not isn't an option. It's gonna be the daily routine, or every other day routine.

  4. Proud of you for skipping out on the fast food! That is something I've never been very good at either.
