Monday, June 3, 2013

Disaster Will Robinson!!!!!

WELL THAT SUCKED!!!!!! I woke up every day with the greatest intentions of working out. Yet everyday something got in my way. Mostly myself. I only worked out twice this week. I was exhausted everyday this week. I know that it is not a good excuse but it is the one I am going with.

My sleep Apnea is becoming debilitating. I can barely get through the day with out taking a 2 hour nap in the middle  On top of that my insurance is refusing to cover the oral surgeon I was referred to. My ENT sent me to this oral surgeon and my appointment was supposed to be today. But they are not covered by my insurance. SO I called my insurance to see if they could help me find someone that was covered. They said there was no Dr with in 100 miles of me that works with sleep apnea. So I would have to apply for "out of network pre-certification". "OK so lets do that". Several days later I get a call telling me I am being denied pre-certification because there was an in network  Dr. in Plano.  WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME THAT A WEEK AGO!!!!! Fine I am not picky just give me a Dr. So I make another appointment with the new Dr. "Of course we can fit you in, IN 3 WEEKS"


So of course I have my regular 3 month appointment with my Endocrinologist and find out my thyroid levels are low again so they have to change my medication again. My calcium is dangerously low and my blood pressure is dangerously high.  I asked what I can do about this because I am doing everything I have been told by my Dr's. She says very sympathetically "get a good night sleep"

So my goal for this week is to try again. 30 min of aerobic exercises a day. 
 I am afraid I am going to have to add some caffeine to my morning even though my Dr wants me off caffeine. But I just don't see any other way.

So for those of you who are tempted to make a comment on how I just wasn't trying hard enough and I am just lazy. I will find you and I will give you a black eye


  1. i love your sense of humor about it all. I am so sorry you are having to suffer through bureaucracy on top of little sleep, thyroid and endocrine stuff. It is so frustrating when all of your illnesses collide and conspire. But i still think you're funny. :)

  2. I am so glad you get my sense of humor. I have always believed if you can't laugh at something you might as well give up and nail the coffin shut.

  3. I love the "keep calm and try again"... that's me right now! every day! I hate insurance. keep trying!
