Monday, May 27, 2013

My Kryptonite

So its Monday and I am working hard on sticking to my goal of Blogging once a week. I am on week 2 so HAZZA for me. I only say that slightly sarcastically because the truth is I did think of giving up already. Just because I got a great deal of response on my first blog entry and I greatly appreciate all the kind words but I didn't get a single response for my second entry. Being the glutton for attention that I am I started thinking that no one was going to stick to this with me.
 Then I reminded myself not to be so needy.
Sometimes I am both the child and the parent. But aren't we all.

My goal of not eating after 7 was a semi success. I do hope anyone who is reading this (and I hope there are at least a few) doesn't think that I am somehow ever going to be perfect  when I start these goals, because I defiantly was not. On Monday the day I set the goal my sweet students of the DKI Acting Academy were devastated when we didn't have a scheduled cast party after our show. So they wanted to get together one last time. So I suggested Scrumbciouse Pie and Burger Co. in Mesquite. (Holy Cow there food is so good) and even though my goal that week had nothing to do with what I was eating just when I was eating.I still felt the need to make a smart choice so I got the salad instead of the burger. GOOD FOR ME. It was a yummy salad and I was happy to have it.I finished it around 6:45 pm and the party was not over until 8:00 pm. I kept telling my self to gulp down water. But then when the sweet girl across from me got a piece of pie and didn't want any of her crust and offered it to me. PIE CRUST IS MY KRYPTONITE!!!!!
 I ate it at about 7:15 pm. (Head shaking in shame)

On Tuesday we finished dinner and as my daughter was in the shower and the family was winding down for the day I was putting away dinner packing my husbands lunch and with out even thinking shoved a piece of garlic bread in my mouth. I panicked at looked at the clock..... 7:10 pm. Oh and by the way GARLIC BREAD IS MY KRYPTONITE TOO!!!!!!  

On Wednesday, Thursday and Friday I did quite well. As much as I wanted to eat after 7 I was able to restrain. Even when my husband made a huge bowl of buttery popcorn. There are few things in this world I love more than buttery popcorn. I am pretty my list goes My Husband, My Daughter, then buttery popcorn. but my will power held out.  I found my self bargaining with my self at one point. "If I eat the popcorn now I just stay up until Midnight right" well no because I was having a hard time staying up til 10 as it was.

I have a wonderfully supportive husband who cheers me on and applauds my strength, efforts and will he eats his late night cookies and treats. I am not mad at him he has his own demons to fight.

My second goal for the week was to do what was needed to get my sleep apnea mouth guard. My ENT was not getting any response from the oral surgeon they were trying to get a hold of. So in the politest way possible I threatened them with my business no longer continuing with them. What do you know it worked. By the next day I had an appointment with another oral surgeon. Unfortunately its not until next week. So hopefully my days of sleep deprivation are numbered because like most people SLEEP DEPRIVATION  IS MY KRYPTONITE AS WELL!!!!!!!!!!!!
So this week my goal is to add 30 minutes of aerobic exercise to my day. Which is hard for me because 
I have never been able to stick to that for very long
So Please Pray For Me..............No Really.


  1. So I love reading, but I'm terrible about leaving comments. I'll try and do better! I just mentioned the blog to Michele, Emily, and Mom on Saturday, asking them if they'd seen it yet. I am SO proud of you! I love your weekly goals. It makes me remember to bring my goals down to manageable chunks. Remember that all progress, no matter how small, is still progress. As President Uchtdorf says "Be thankful for all the small successes... Like the forget-me-nots, these successes may seem tiny to you and they may go unnoticed by others, but God notices them and they are not small to Him."

  2. So proud of you for doing this! It's a constant battle, I tell ya!
    We both gained some love chub after we got married and had to really work to lose it - and I found that cutting out the night-time snacking worked! (and was HARD!) Our FAVORITE thing is homemade milkshakes at night while we watch something. We couldn't do it cold turkey so we started our cut-off at first as 9pm and then 7pm and now (mostly of the time) try to not have anything after dinner. After dinner-time, I have to tell myself, I'm not hungry - I'm probably just thirsty! And then drink some water :)
    Oh - and when we are in hard-core losing mode - I just can't have junk/sweets in the house. i have no self-control, so it's all or nothing for me. We get rid of it all so there's no temptation!
