Monday, May 20, 2013

Eat Like a Gremlin

So step one on My Baby Steps life is going to be the thing that I feel I can do the easiest. Well I guess I am fudging the rules a little bit and actually having 2 goals this week.

Goal # 1 is I am going to call my E N T and do what has to be done to get their butt moving on getting my mouth piece taken care of so I can do something about this Sleep Apnea. It has been over a week now and I still haven't been fitted for it. They keep telling me their supplier isn't calling them back.

Goal #2 I have heard from several Dr's/experts/ professionals/ guru's to stop eating around 3 hours before bed time. So since I generally try to go to bed around 10:00 pm I guess I will stop eating around 7:00 pm.

So for those of you who are gonna give me crap about how Gemlins could eat up until midnight.
Get a life and move out of you Mother's basement. 

But I do have the feeling that going to book club and not eating all the stuff that all those awesome women make and having to watch my family eat flavored popcorn on family movie night and not partaking  is going to have the opposite effect on me than it did a Gremlin.

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