Monday, September 23, 2013

The Good the Bad and the Hungry

So I am 10 days in to my cleanse and I have lost. Drum roll please............ 30 POUNDS!!!!! That's right baby 30 pounds came dripping of me like......something that drips off things.  I have been working out every day (except Sunday) and I think I have never been more proud of myself.  I have lost weight before in fact I have lost more weight than this before but this is the first time I have ever done it on purpose. When I lived in Chicago I was in a show that required me to dance on and off for 3 hours 6 shows a week, I didn't have a car so I would walk to the "L" and then walk to the Theater and then return home in the same way. So my weight just fell off me. I never really worked at it. That is why this time is so much different. I am working at it I am making the decision to be healthier. 

Not to say that this is easy. The first few days I was so hungry I didn't think I was gonna make it threw the day let alone the next 42 but I stepped on the scale and I saw the difference it was making and I figured the pit in my stomach and the bleeding headache was worth it.
My body was throwing a fit, it has become so used to having unhealthy food in such large portions. The adjustment was painful. But I pulled threw.  

But temptation is everywhere. I coach church Volleyball on Saturday mornings and the craziest thing, somebody provided self serve nachos for everyone. At 10 o'clock in the morning because everyone love breakfast nacho's right.
So I was surrounded by teenagers eating nachos on the first day of my diet. Everyday I have children want to give me treats before class and everyday I have to say no thank you. A Sister from church invited me over for lunch I told her yes but I would like to bring my own food. So of course SHE GETS PIZZA FOR EVERYONE ELSE!!!! But I resisted. That was probably the hardest one because it was really good Mom & Pops Pizzeria Pizza, that is probably my favorite.

Now here is where I am about to be a little pathetic. I have lost this 30 pounds and I am very proud of it but I don't see any physical change and my clothes aren't feeling any different. My worry is that I let my weight get so far out of control that I am going have to lose a great deal more before I get any benefit from it. But I keep telling my self that's OK  I knew it was going to be a long road and that I was going to have lo make a lot of life long changes. My Mom always used to say "The Journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step". So I am at least a few steps along. 

OK So on to my next goal. So far I have been doing 30 minutes of cardio each day. Well I am pleased to say it was getting a little to easy. So I will be bumping it up to 45 min a day. Wish me luck. 

Friday, September 13, 2013

Did you miss me

Well things have not been good when it come to my attempts to become healthier. It started in early August when I got really sick and couldn't exerciser. Then we went on vacation which was really fun but you try not eating fast food when you are on a road trip on a budget. And if you are able to do it, screw you I don't want to hear it.
Before Vacation I found out the my insurance was not going to pay for any Sleep Apnea Treatment. Evidently its not severe enough. They would prefer that I be on my death bed before they are willing to help. 
So when I got back from vacation and went to the Dr and found out I had gained 15 pounds. After a nice little crying session with the Nurse I talked to the Dr and she let me know that loosing weight with out a thyroid is nearly impossible. Then she said the 2 words I have been dreading for 2 years GLUTEN FREE. Because that sounds so much fun She also said fighting the insurance company is a lost cause. So I said go away you are not my friend.
I got extremely discouraged about my 5K. I asked a lot of people to do it with me and I got no takers. A couple people said they would but never signed up. Now I am afraid I am either going to do it alone or not at all. I haven't signed up yet because I just wanted 1 person to sign up with. I didn't want to put in the money until I knew for sure. Maybe I should just pay for it to force my self to do it. Alone is better then not at all. 


So after a morning of not being able to wear anything but stretchy fat pants and alot of crying my husband and I had a talk. So we are embarking on a 6 week cleanse. We are ridding our bodies of all toxins (including gluten) Lean meats fresh veggies and fruits and smaller portions. We will be weighing our food and no cheating.

To me this seems extreme but I have decided that's what I need. I can't keep doing the same thing and expect a different result. I do believe that is the definition of insanity

I have taken a before picture but I have not gotten up the courage to post it just yet. So be patient with me please.